A Picture’s Worth of Light

Our Cincinnati neighbors share the lights in their lives.


Lower Price Hill · Light Is in Family

Sherry Cook Stanforth


“I'm from Clermont County, Ohio. Our roots run a little deeper from North Georgia and East Tennessee. I look at this picture, and it does fill me with light and joy. I look at this picture of my dad playing a guitar. And my parents taught my kids how to play music, and they inspired me to sing and play music. I see a determined family that wants to carry light through generations. I'm in between those generations, and I have a big responsibility to somehow work with busy teenagers and help them carry on memories of the people before them. I want them to know where they came from. I want them to care about where they're going. And I hope that when I'm dust, that maybe my descendants down the road, we'll still remember some of those old tunes, and they'll be able to look at pictures like this one and feel like they're part of that.”


Antonio Ward


Melvin Murray